
PEER Kindness

PEER Kindness
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Imagine a world where every one of us feels a sense of belonging and connection, knowing that we are cared for, that we are understood, and that we matter. Nobody wants to feel targeted, isolated, or experience bullying. At PEER Kindness, we focus on the spectrum of human connection, particularly among youth, which on one end is youth experiencing the bullying circle, and on the other end, youth are choosing kindness, connecting, and having a sense of belonging. The bullying circle includes the youth being targeted, the child/children doing the bullying, and those who witness cruel, intentional, and unwanted behaviors. In our work, we help the child find safety, identify trusted adults, and identify a path in which they feel hope and connection. We also help the youth doing the bullying by identifying the sources of these behaviors and building skills to replace these behaviors with more positive behaviors. We support the bystanders by providing life skills education, as well as social and emotional education. We are working to shift the experiences of young people from one end of the spectrum to the other so that youth are Positive, Encouraging, Empathetic, Respectful, and Kind (PEER Kindness).

PEER Kindness is a nonprofit organization founded in 2015 by the Haynes Family who turned ashes into beauty after losing their daughter Caitlyn to suicide. Caitlyn experienced years of being the target of bullying. In honor of Caitlyn’s life, Todd and Maya Haynes, their family, and the community came together to build an organization focused on providing support to youth and families experiencing the bullying circle. The mission and vision of PEER Kindness are to work with community stakeholders to reduce bullying among children and youth and to create a safe and inclusive environment for all.

What is bullying? Colorado Revised Statute defines bullying as any written or verbal expression, or physical or electronic act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to coerce, intimidate, or cause any physical, mental or emotional harm to any student. Bullying is prohibited against any student for any reason. Researchers highlight three components of bullying that differentiate it from other forms of aggression: the behavior is intentional, repeated, or likely to be repeated, and marked by an imbalance of power. Bullying may have adverse effects on a child’s life, including the child who is targeted, the child who is doing the bullying, and/or the child who is a witness to the behavior. At PEER Kindness, we are working to raise awareness about bullying, and to help replace bullying behaviors with more acceptable behaviors. We have an intervention program, we provide bullying prevention and education, and we sponsor a youth empowerment program for middle and high school students who are interested in creating positive changes in their schools.

We love sharing the work of our organization with others. Please visit our website at peerkindness.net to learn more, or follow us on social media. You can also call or text us at 970.901.7744.

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Imagine a world where every one of us feels a sense of belonging and connection, knowing that we are cared for, that we are understood, and that we matter. Nobody wants to feel targeted, isolated, or experience bullying. At PEER Kindness, we focus on the spectrum of human connection, particularly among youth, which on one […]


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147 N. Townsend Montrose, CO 81401