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Montrose Community Foundation
Community development projects, scholarships and grant making. Donor advised funds that allow you to give directly to your favorite causes on your timeline. The ability to accept gifts of cash, publicly traded stock, mutual funds, real estate, insurance policies, property or vehicles. Invested funds that are monitored by a committee of local, professional financial advisors. Stewardship of funds, so you know the intent of your donation will carry into the future. Opportunities for planned giving through will bequests and other gifts through your estate.
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Short Business Description (Directory card)
Community development projects, scholarships and grant making. Donor advised funds that allow you to give directly to your favorite causes on your timeline. The ability to accept gifts of cash, publicly traded stock, mutual funds, real estate, insurance policies, property or vehicles. Invested funds that are monitored by a committee of local, professional financial advisors. […]
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525 E Main St81402-0667